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Om Puri Says he is fine after his Cancer Surgery

Om Puri who was sick of Cancer Scare he had in his mouth is now Cured after his Cancer Surgery, He also told that he is Fine after Surgery and there is no need to worry .

Om Puri is one of those actors who have respect near to Amitabh Bachchan as he has so much experience and fans that make everyone worry if he is Sick . Om Was admitted in Hinduja Hospital were he was cured of Cancer Scare making every single Fan happy of Good and Prosperous health Om Achieved after the operation .

Om Puri Says he is fine after his Cancer Surgery

Om Puri Cancer | Report | Details

Om puri said that when there was  White Patch being detected by Doctors through Scanning he was feared the most as Cancer is the issue from which many people on earth Die every Day its number is increasing day by day due to increase of Tobacco Consumption and Cigarette Smoking though Modi Sarkar has increased Taxes on it .

The White Patch found was at very Low level so it was removed and save the life of Om Puri .

Now Om Puri has been advised to quit smoking otherwise it will just be injurious to his health, The sick man was smoking quite in often years many times so that might be a possible cause for hie white patch in his mouth .

The Hundred Foot Journey is his upcoming movie in which he is playing the role of papa ( father ) , His history is admirable and cool .

Well Yuvraj Singh is another man who has recovered totally from cancer and has also written a Book called " The Test Of My Life " .

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