Haider is an upcoming Movie of Shahid Kapoor, Tabu and Shraddha Kapoor which is directed by Vishal Bharadwaj, Produced By Siddhartha Roy Kapoor with the Director itself, Writer of the film is Basharat Peer and Vishal, The Movie Haider is based on the Hamlet by William Shakespeare .
The Release Date of the Movie has been decided as October 2, 2014 on Gandhi jayanti, the timing of the movie suits itself as it is the day when Mahatma Gandhi was born who died for the nation and as it was something Related to terrorist they have found a suitable day to release the film .
Haider First Look | Poster | Image | Shahid Kapoor
Haider movie's first look has been released and you can see them all .
So what's your plan for Haider ? .
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